Till ingångssidan Ilmoitin.fi - TESTI

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Här finns det svar på kundernas mest allmänna frågor om ilmoitin.fi.

1. Finns det webblanketter som ska fyllas i?

Nej. Via Ilmoitin.fi skickas textfiler av materialet som innehåller poster med kod:uppgiftspar eller fast längd i enlighet med postbeskrivningarna.

Om kontroll av arbetsgivarens skattenummerbegäran, momssammandrag, korrigeringar till momssammandrag, försäkringsuppgifter enligt lagen om skatt på arv och gåva och förskottsuppbördsregistreringen finns det hjälpverktyg för skapande av uppgifter. Hjälpverktyget är en Excel-tabell där du ska fylla i uppgifterna.

2. How can I help my employee get an individual Tax Number?

You simply have to launch the www.ilmoitin.fi gateway and send in a request file containing information on your employees. We will answer you by sending back an answer file with their individual Tax Numbers.

You are welcome to use the special template that we have prepared in order to make it easier for you to set up a request file. The template is an Excel file with empty cells where you simply fill in the employee information. After you have filled in all the information the Excel will create a text file that matches the required specification. To see our templates, click Templates on the www.ilmoitin.fi site or visit www.tax.fi. http://www.skatt.fi > Detaljerade skatteanvisningar > Elektronisk kommunikation > Utvecklare > Postbeskrivningar > Direktöverföringar och övriga anmälningar och deklarationer > "Requests for individual tax numbers (VERONUME)", select "Template".

3. Can I send more than one files at the same time?

You may select more than one filings for simultaneous submittal. Ilmoitin.fi downloads and uploads files differently depending on the requirements of specific browser software (many browsers let you select multiple files when you press the Ctrl key and hold it down).

What happens after selection?

All filings are checked before they can be submitted. The check window shows the correct filings that have passed the checks, requested materials, and any incorrect filings. If you have sent a file previously, the default setting is that you cannot send it again (the appropriate box is not ticked).

4. Can I make corrections to my files during my www.ilmoitin.fi session?

No, you must run a session with your accounting software that created your file in the first place, or any other software program that you made use of when you set up the file.

5. Deleted

6. Can I sign in with my e-Bank User ID and password to e-file my boyfriend's/my parents' agricultural tax returns that concern their forest farm?

No, unfortunately you cannot. When you sign in with your own e-Bank User ID and password, you are expected to send us your own filings only, and you cannot become authorised for acting on anyone else's behalf during your session. In this way, your boyfriend or your parents must e-file their tax returns themselves, signing in with their own identifiers.

7. My husband and I share a bank account and also the bank user IDs and passwords. Can I sign in with them to file my agricultural tax returns?

The answer depends on whose name has been recorded by the bank as the main user of the bank connection on the Web. If the main user is you, signing in with your bank ID and password is permitted only for you yourself, so you cannot sign in on behalf of your spouse (or vice versa) in order to send us filings. The personal identity code on the agricultural tax return form must be the same as the identity code used for sign-in. If the main user is your husband, you may have to contact the bank to ask for e-banking identifiers you can use for personal purposes.

8. My filing is correctly formatted but I am still getting a "Data element error. Invalid record identifier. Check spelling, check length" error message.

(000:V) Filer's identification number
Data element error Invalid record identifier. Check spelling, check length

You have probably written your file with an incorrect character set. It should be ISO-Latin-1 (also known as ISO-8859-1, which is the normal Scandinavian set). Another possible cause of the problem is that there may be an extra character somewhere such as blankspaces, carriage returns, euro currency signs and others. This error must be corrected withen the software you have used for setting up your file.

9. After I have pressed "Checkup" I get the message "Page cannot be shown".

This is a problem that sometimes occurs. We have noticed that Ilmoitin.fi is prone to this error, but there does not seem to be any reason. Nevertheless, it never occurs with Firefox browsers. One way to deal with this problem in Windows Explorer is to change the HTTP error message settings in Tools> Internet Settings> Advanced> Show HTTP error messages. You are kindly requested to send in any error messages to the Ilmoitin.fi developers via the Feedback mailbox.


10. I receive a warning message every time I open an Excel worksheet that I have downloaded at www.ilmoitin.fi website. The warning message says something about a data security risk.

This is a usual feature in the Microsoft Excel software, and the message only means that the opened worksheet is a worksheet containing macros.

The user will see this message if the Macro Security setting is other than Low in the Excel software, and if the macros have no digital signature. In other words, it is not an Antivirus message and there are no viruses.


The Excel worksheet includes macros for technical reasons. Macros are the only available method to design necessary features.

The Excel worksheets that can be downloaded at Ilmoitin.fi are antivirus-controlled and free from viruses.

11. I get error messages for the files I set up with the Excel sheets?

Excel worksheets are no fillable forms i.e. you cannot produce a readymade tax return filing with them -- instead, they are for IT developers who can use them as a tool for designing compatible software applications. Excel worksheets do not contain the necessary check features for making sure that the report content is as it should be.

12. Excel worksheets I downloaded at Ilmoitin.fi don't let me e-file the tax return form I completed?

The informative return filings in the construction sector must be completed in text format. See the exact requirements in the Data File Specification. If you do not have a software program that could create a file to send, you can log in to MyTax to submit your construction report.

13. Is the sorting order of the data elements or positions important when submitting a name:value pair format?

No, the order in which the name:value pairs are sorted is not important for other than the start (000) and end (999) positions. However, it is important to have the partial data sets in the right order, in other words, the 009 sequential numbering must run correctly. A partial data set begins with the 001 identifier where you give the quantity of the sets you are submitting (for example, 001:2 = two sets). A partial data set ends with the 009 identifier. It is important that the 001 value at the beginning and the final 009 value follow a sequential numbering (for example, the final name:value pair of the second set must be 009:2).


14. Is it OK to leave a data element blank, for example, can I leave position 120 blank (120: )?

Leaving a data element blank is permitted only if the Data format specification allows this and it is not a mandatory field.

15. Construction reporting - FAQ

For more information on construction-sector reporting, visit the Tax.fi website at:Anmälningar om byggande - FAQ

16. Why did I not get an acknowledgement of receipt when I submitted a request file, a construction report, a file for background processing? I gave my e-mail address.

The e-mail server in the receiving end can have rejected the acknowledgement message due to the server's security settings, because the message comes from 'noreply.ilmoitin.fi?.