Key changes:
- Changes to check routines:
- DocRefId has been added to some error messages to make it easier to find the error.
- An error in the processing of AccountIdentifier has been corrected: If Representative has been entered, AccountIdentifier is entered blank (moved to production 29 April)
- Check routine "#Representative may not be the same as PSPId (30010)" has been removed (moved to production 29 April)
- Note also that Timestamp cannot be in the future:
- The timestamp can be of any time zone, as long as the time zone is specified.
- Finnish standard time in format: 2024-01-17T09:30:45.123+02:00
- Finnish daylight saving time in format: 2024-01-17T09:30:45.123+03:00
- UTC 0 time: 2024-01-17T09:30:45.123Z
- The CESOP system validates the TimeStamp element against the Greenwich time (UTC 0), and CESOP returns validation Fully rejected if it interprets the timestamp to be in the future.
- Changes to DPI (DAC7) check routines:
- OECD0 DocTypeIndic entered for docRefId may not be a value that has been corrected previously.
- No GVS structure may be entered.
- The issuedBy attribute must be entered in the OrganisationPartyType IN element when the IN identifier is entered.
- If the value entered in the AssumedReporting element is True, the Ilmoitin service will check that the AssumingPlatformOperator structure has been entered.
- DocRefId has been added to some error messages to make it easier to find the error.